
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Evolution of a {Lamp Shade}

Every once in a while, I find some great stuff at Goodwill.  If you thrift at all, you know it's totally hit and miss. 

I've been on the hunt for a lamp for Miss E's nursery.  I found this awesome crystal lamp base (that is currently sold at Target!) a few months ago at Goodwill.

I wanted a drum shade, and luck would have it, there was one in great condition at Goodwill.

I decided to go ahead and recover the drum shade with some extra fabric that matched the crib bedding I made.

It turned out like this:

Yep, I realllllly didn't like it.  Ick.  It has been sitting in her nursery for months, waiting for another re-do.

I didn't like how match-y it was to the rest of her room.....

Then I saw this lamp shade at Attemping Aloha.  It's a great knock off of Pottery Barn's.

The only problem is that I do NOT have the patience this late in my pregnancy to make a million tiny fabric rosettes.  No way!

Cruising the fabric section at Hobby Lobby, I made a great find!

Shabby rosette trim by the yard!  Pre-made frayed rosettes.  Awesome!!

So, I stripped my lampshade....and spray painted it white.
  I didn't worry about it looking perfect; it was just going to get covered up again!

Using my trusty glue gun, I attached the trim.

It turned out like this......

It is EXACTLY what I wanted!

Close up of that ruffly sweetness:

Linking up here


  1. That really is SO cute...and incredibly doable! I may have to take a stab at it.

  2. I am so in love with this. You did a great job. Its so cute!

  3. Ahhh, what a dreamy rose lampshade. I love it. How cool that you found premade tulle with rosettes on it. Doesn't get better than that. It looks beautiful!

  4. So pretty! I love how the shade looks with the crystal base.

  5. The first attempt wasn't bad, but the finished project has the WOW factor. I love it.

  6. I can not believe that they make rosette trim! I love this idea it is so adorable. Thank you for linking up to Upcycled Awesome at

  7. I use that same trim in my scrapbooks and never thought about putting it on a lamp! Super cute and I love it!

  8. I can't get over the cuteness!!! great job!! I am definitely making this for my daughters room!!

  9. It looks fabulous - great job! I love that you didn't settle and kept working with what you had until you achieved the look you were wanting. Do you recall approximately how many yards it took and/or how much the rosette trim cost at your Hobby Lobby? I am definitely interested in recreating this look for my daughter's Shabby Chic bedroom.

  10. Piper,
    It took me 5.5 yards of trim. My lamp shade is a medium size; maybe 8 inches across. It was 4.00 a yard, and on sale this week for 30% off. hope this helps!

  11. I love this! How cute for my girls rooms! I am your newest follower. Come check out my blog and follow me too!


  12. I've seen similar fabric at hobby lobby but never thought of using it on a lamp shade! Very cool idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  13. That looks great!! You did a fabulous job with it.

  14. I love that rosette trim. I bought some to embellish a shirt. The lamp shade is gorgeous. Thanks for linking to the party.

  15. We must think alike!!! I made the SAME Lamp, however my base is a vintage candleholder. Love yours! How fun! Aren't we fab!! haha!

  16. I didn't hate the first re-do, but I LOVE the rosettes look much better. Good job!

  17. Great job on the lamp shade redo... Although I actually liked shade #1... but shade #2 is awesome! I featured this today on Sew Woodsy!

  18. Liking that,

    linking from Sew woodsy.

    Please pop by and visit Craft and Cupcakes

  19. What fun...looks easy enough...when I remake my living room I will try this trick. Dianntha

  20. So cute. Visiting from The Shabby Creek Cottage.

  21. Question: is this too juvenile for an adult bedroom?? I'm decorating my room shabby chic and I've been looking for this particular lampshade for crystal looking lamp on etsy and googling it as well but they're either so expensive or I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. After seeing this I think I'm going to make my own!!

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